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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

pin the note on the song

Use this fun activity to help the children review songs for the end of the year Primary Program in Sacrament Meeting.

Source: Natalie Evans

  • White butcher paper 4' by 3' or a size of your preference
    • Note: If the Junior and Senior primaries know different songs, you may need to make 2
  • Music note cut out(s) (preferably laminated if using one or 10-15 music notes if you opt to leave the music notes pinned on the songs each time)
  • Tape
  • Thick marker
  • List of program songs and songs the children know
  • Blindfold (optional)
1. On the butcher paper, write the names of the songs in a scattered pattern, including the names of the program songs 2 or 3 times each (or split up the verses). Write the page # next to the song title.
2. Post the butcher paper on the wall in the Primary room.
3. Blindfold a child volunteer, spin them a few times, and then hand them the music note with tape on the back.
4. The song that the music note is placed the closest to is the one you sing as a primary.
5. Repeat for the remainder of the time. One option is to have different colored music notes and leave each music note on the butcher paper as it is "pinned" instead of taking it off every time and reusing.

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