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Friday, February 25, 2011

teaching My Heavenly Father Loves Me (CS p. 228)

One of my favorite Primary songs that I remember learning when I was in Primary is My Heavenly Father Loves Me - although not many people know it by that title. It begins, "Whenever I hear the song of a bird . . . " A song with simple yet powerful imagery that helps children recognize all the beauty around us and have gratitude for our senses.

Our Stake Primary presidency emphasizes using only church-approved pictures and materials. Our Primary president approved use of some non-approved materials if needed to teach a song. Most of the pictures in the PDF below are church-approved. The website has a great archive of Friend, Ensign, and other church-approved pictures. The Church's official website also has the Gospel Art picture kit from which you can download individual images.

Download instructions: You may have to wait up to 30 minutes for the file to be ready to download. Scroll to the bottom of the page that appears, enter the code, and click the "Slow Download" button. Do not click the large, green or gray Download buttons at the top of the page. (You should not have to install anything or pay for the download.)
  • Foamboard
  • Tape, glue, or photo splits
  • Pointer object - I used a fake long-stem red rose I purchased at a craft store to go with the line "Whenever I touch a velvet rose"
  1. Cut out the printouts. 
  2. Arrange the printouts on the poster (best to use the wider sides at the top and bottom) before securing with photo splits, tape, or glue. The first verse should fit on one side and the second verse on the other side.
  3. The music notes for "song of a bird" and "magical sound of things" can be cut out and taped on using a large piece of tape to cover the entire music note. I arranged the notes to represent music coming out of the beak of one of the birds and out of the row of Primary children. 
  4. The picture for "He gave me my life, my mind, my heart" can be colored in since it is a drawing. Also, I placed the heart right next to this picture and then wrote in large block letters with a marker LIFE and then MIND underneath it and then HEART underneath "mind". 
  5. To teach the song, I held another posterboard across the poster to hide everything but the first line (so Junior Primary would not get overwhelmed with all the pictures). I said the phrase and then had them repeat it back to me several times. I used the fake rose as my pointer.
  6. After we sang through it once, I asked a volunteer to come up and help me point to the pictures with the rose. For Junior, I only taught one verse each week for two weeks. Senior was already familiar with it so we sang it through a few times. You can also easily do actions to the words to help the children remember them.

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