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Thursday, February 24, 2011

singing time hot potato

The kids loved this review activity. It's a great way to sing the song multiple times and still keep their interest.

An object that relates to the song

Note: We did this activity on the Sunday before Valentine's Day so I used a large, fuzzy red stuffed heart. When we learned "Stand for the Right" I used a 5x7 picture of President Monson.

  1. Discuss the activity beforehand with the pianist so he/she knows what to do.
  2. Explain the activity to the children: You're going to pass around this object while we sing [a song you recently learned]. When the music stops, the person it lands on can say what the next word is (or phrase is sometimes easier). If you don't know the next word in the song, we will all help you.
  3. Pass the object around while singing, having the pianist stop occasionally (I found that it works best to quietly signal the pianist on when to stop). Keep passing and singing until every child has gotten to pass the object at least once.

I didn't want any of the children to feel put on the spot so, especially for Junior Primary, I opened up the question "What's the next word?" to the whole primary at the very first sign of discomfort/embarrassment in the child the object landed with.

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